The Meyer's
From The Heart
Featuring Kelly's Song in memory of Kelly Dianne Wiltse,
March 1, 1992 - August 1, 2000
Kelly Dianne Wiltse

Model Chessanie Morgan Alea Blakley,
Brenda's granddaughter and Rebecca's daughter
  1. Be Still

  2. The Teacher

  3. Believe In Me

  4. Kelly's Song

  5. Butterflies & Angels

  6. The Angels Song

  7. Smiling On The Inside

  8. The Guardian

  9. That's Why

  10. The Eyes Of Wisdom

  11. Blocks Of Angels

  12. One Child

It is our greatest wish that the songs in this collection touch your heart and reach that place in you that is too often hidden and unreachable. May God Bless You and Keep You In His Heart - Love The Meyer's.
{The Music contained in this album is inspired by Baby Gage "the Angel among us".}
Also check out our
Previous CD

Hope For A Miracle